Special Needs Cobb



Special Needs Cobb is Right in Your Community.

“The beauty of Special Needs Cobb is that families help families. That kind of help perpetuates itself. It must live on.”
– J. Cox, special needs parent

In 1956, a small group of Cobb County parents fought the prevailing system of the time of institutionalizing children with developmental disabilities, determined that they would not put their kids away. They incorporated to become Cobb Association for Retarded Citizens, Inc. on October 24, 1979, and August 15, 2007 they became knows as Right in the Community, a trailblazing organization in the Special Needs community that accomplished many “firsts” to meet the needs they saw. In 2020, we became Special Needs Cobb, and we are still blazing a trail to provide Resources, Respite and Residential services for families right in the community. 

We focus on the entire family unit, not just the individual. We provide respite care to relieve some of the stress of caregiving, keeping families strong and together. We connect parents with other families who “get it,” and hold their hands as they navigate the complicated system of resources. Finally, we give people with disabilities a path to greater independence and opportunities to shine and reach their full potential.

Cobb’s Original Special Needs Nonprofit

Special Needs Cobb accomplished many “firsts” in Cobb County.

  • Cobb County’s only facilities-based Respite Home
  • Section 811 Medicaid Waiver Special Needs Group Homes
  • Early Intervention Site (“Happiness Hills”)
  • Workshop for adults with developmental disabilities
  • Summer Day Camp for children with developmental disabilities
  • School for children with disabilities
  • Support group for parents of children with developmental disabilitie