Special Needs Cobb’s partners always answer the call for our clients and the organization. We’re grateful for their ongoing support and willingness to lend their time, talents and treasure to help others. Their open hands and hearts make our houses into homes, providing a safe place and loving care for those who need us most. Thank you for being there for them, for life!
A big thanks to our SNC Golf Invitational Sponsors
Putting for $5000 in Green
‘Stay Together, Stay Strong’ Sponsors
Sponsored in Honor of
Andy Alterman
“We enjoy being your
dental wellness partner.”
Sponsored in Memory of
Mark Biernath, Esq.
“God knows the order in chaos.”
Trailblazer Sponsors
Sponsored in Honor of
Phillip Thomas
Frank & Kay Hiott
Hal Clemmer
W. Beall Fowler
The Cursillo Group at St. Teresa’s Episcopal Church
Sponsored in Honor of
George & Allison Blake
Terry & Cecile Stretch
Darrell Tapp
Sponsored in Memory of
Sandra & Cassie Tapp
Judge Adele Grubbs
Debbie Day
Executive Director
Sponsored in Honor of
George & Allison Blake
Sandra Tapp
Mark Biernath, Esq.