Special Needs Cobb


Actual respite client


Putting on your oxygen mask first.

Special Needs Cobb operates Cobb’s only facilities-based weekend respite house dedicated to special needs children and adults. Participants are welcome for a weekend of fun activities, social interaction and the opportunity to establish their own friendships separate from their families. Respite care gives the rest of the family a break from caregiving responsibilities and allows them to come back together on Sunday night refreshed and ready for the week ahead.

We accept special needs children age eight (8) and up on special “minors only” weekends. Respite residents utilizing the state-funded/grant-in-aid payment component must reside in one of the following counties to participate in SNC’s Respite Home weekends: Cobb, Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett, Rockdale, Douglas and Newton. Besides grant-in-aid, residents may pay for this service via private pay or Medicaid NOW or Medicaid COMP Waivers, and they can reside anywhere in the State of Georgia. A developmental disability diagnosis is the only medical criteria for weekend respite residency, including those on the autism spectrum. We do not require an IQ test result or a secondary diagnosis. We are not equipped to care for medically fragile diagnosed individuals at weekend Respite, however, this is available at three of our residential group homes for adults.

The chronic stress caregivers experience translates into an average shortening of their life expectancy by nine to twelve years and is compared to that suffered in combat. Caregivers are at higher risk of developing depression, anxiety, chronic diseases and substance dependence.

We know that to help families stay together and strong, they need a way to relieve some of the stress of caregiving. 

The SNC Respite House is equipped with ADA-approved accessibility features to accommodate individuals with a myriad of disabilities. A professional staff, aided by volunteers, is on hand to provide competent and compassionate care for people with disabilities ranging from mild to profound. 

Because the costs of skilled nursing are out of reach for most families, our Respite Home of caregivers is an alternative means of care. Because of that, we do all we can to make this service available to families who need it. Respite is paid through the NOW/Comp waiver, Grant-in-Aid funding or private pay.

Weekend Respite Programs for Children/Teens & Adults


Reservations for the SNC Respite Home are required in advance. Email Paula George, Executive Assistant to learn more or call 770-427-8401

Respite Hours:  5:30 p.m. Friday to 5 p.m. on Sunday

For in-home respite care, SNC maintains a Respite Provider Referral List. These individuals have First-Aid and CPR certifications, and have had background checks. They will be referred based on client need and area served. SNC clients have access to Metro Atlanta Respite Cooperative (MARC) facilities.