Special Needs Cobb

Ways to Help

Actual resident


They hold our hearts in their hands and teach us humanity.

“We can’t begin to express the joy our volunteers feel when hosting our Christmas event for SNC residents. Their smiles are the only gratitude we need.”
– Lutheran Services Volunteer

If you’re moved to give back to the special needs community, there are so many ways to get involved. Nearly 30 percent of our SNC community are orphans and an additional 13 percent have no connection to family. You can stand in the gap for them by offering your time and talents.

These are just a few ideas of how you can help:

  • Donate your professional services
  • Volunteer in our office or at our Respite House
  • Help with Annual SNC Golf Invitational or Annual Dinner events
  • Sponsor a corporate, church or civic group volunteer project or event
  • Volunteer as an event chaperone
  • Be a volunteer resource-fair staffer
  • Help repair and maintain our Respite House and Group Homes
  • Host a point-of-sale community fundraiser

Contact Paula George, Executive Assistant, to learn more about volunteering. 


Membership in Special Needs Cobb helps pass along a lifetime of information, experience, encouragement and hope to the next generation of special needs families. Become a member or sponsor a membership for a family in need for just $25 annually. Membership includes admission to all of SNC’s educational workshops throughout the year.