Cobb Community Foundation
Link to original article
In 1956, a small group of Cobb County parents fought the prevailing system of the time of institutionalizing children with developmental disabilities and determined that they would not put their loved ones away. They created the Association of Retarded Citizens, better known as “ARC”. In the early years, the organization started the first school for special needs children and also operated summer camps. They incorporated to become ARC Cobb, a chapter of the National Association for Retarded Citizens. By 2007, they became Right in the Community to more accurately reflect the scope of their work. The focus then shifted to the construction and operation of group homes for special needs adults. By 2020, the organization had grown to 24 facilities and rebranded as Special Needs Cobb, Cobb’s original special needs nonprofit. SNC has been a trailblazing organization in the special needs community, working hard to meet and respond to the needs they see.
Many are surprised to hear of the scope of Special Needs Cobb. They operate the most special needs group homes in Cobb County and provide the only facilities-based weekend respite home for special needs individuals age 8 and up. Approximately 40 percent of the group home population is either orphaned or have no familial connections, making Special Needs Cobb their home of last resort. Their 24 houses are approaching 15 years in age and are in need of major system replacements such as roofs, flooring, HVAC and water heater units. Interior and exterior painting as well as bathroom and kitchen renovations in some homes are also needed. Special Needs Cobb relies on private donations, foundations and community grants to keep the 24 facilities in optimum condition for this special population.
SNC is still blazing a trail in Cobb County today. The organization focuses on the entire family unit, not just the individual by providing Respite care, to relieve some of the stress of caregiving therefore keeping families strong and together. They connect parents with other families who “get it,” and hold their hands as they navigate the complicated system of Resources. Finally, they provide Residential options, giving people with disabilities a path to greater independence and opportunities to shine and reach their full potential.
Join Special Needs Cobb as they celebrate their 65th Anniversary, new name, new look and new home!
May 26, 2021
Drop in for a tour, stay for the ribbon cutting and see how they are impacting the community.
4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
550 Kennesaw Avenue, Suite 900
Marietta, GA 30060